Sylvaine Wiart

She was interested in chamber music very early and received a first prize at the Ecole Normale of Paris unanimously. She then became a laureate of Cziffra and Menuhin Foundations, as well as the Fondation de France and several international chamber music competitions. Following these rewards Sylvaine Wiart toured and gave concerts in France and across many countries (Italy, England, Switzerland, Poland, Russia, United States, Latin American countries, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Syria, Turkey) in duo with the flutist Dominique Etiévant, and in trio with the cellist Igor Kiritchenko.
Now she develops a cooperation with the violonist Jaroslav Sonsky. They have performed many times in the Czech Republic, Germany, France, Slovakia, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden.
She also accompanies vocal groups, particularly Pro Homine and Alfin Voce directed by Marie-Christine Pannetier, and singers (Jean-Louis Serre, Mikrtich Mkrtchyan and Michel Welschbillig). She participates together with comedians in spectacles of music and poetry (Bohême autour de Poulenc, Ondine, Rimbaud ou le Voleur de Feu, G.Sand ou les Champs d'Aurore, Pioche à poème et musique....).
She also composes music for spectacles with pictures and lights.
- Romantic sonatas for piano and flute (Vérany-Arion),
- "Terra Luna", an original composition (Lyraor),
- "Cocon d'Amour", an original composition for synthetiser and acoustic instruments (Vox Terrae for Nature et Découvertes).
Newspapers excerpts:
" A perfume of revelation..."(Le Monde)
" The pianist appeared sensational to us by her techniqueand musicality. It was a real privilege to hear her..." (El Pais)
" Improvizing on a lake...Like a magician floating on a quiet water,driving the reins of a musical and visual fairy world, Sylvaine Wiart displayed her art, surrounded by a massive crowd admiring the spectacle in an almost religious calm. Her performance was remarkable and unanimously appreciated by an intent and diversified audience." (Le Dauphiné Libéré).