Both concerning chamber music as well as soloistic performance he is emphasizing equally on ensemble playing and the highest masterly level. He is appreciated for his sensibility and slavonic sound. When working with the repertoire and in his artistic expression he has as ideals the performing of Josef Suk, David Oistrach and Henryk Szeryng and the duo from Semion Snitkovsky –
Leonora Josiovich.
Jaroslav Sonsky has given concerts in 24 countries in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa. He has performed at several important festivals – and also at very prestigious occasions, i.e. for the Swedish king and at a concert for presidents; at the last visit in Germany by president Vaclav Havel. He has received the honourable price Gratias Agit given by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic for his long time unselfish activities and promotion of Czech music and culture worldwide.